Pastor Ken Geisendorfer – GM


Name or nickname? Skinny Kenny.

Where were you born? Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Where did you grow up? Lewistown, MO.

What did you want to do when you grew up?
Be a Preacher.
Are you married?
Yes, to the music director, Bev Geisendorfer, for 24 yrs.
How did you meet your mate?
We are high school sweethearts.
Do you have any children?
Yes, the producer & DJ, Jayme, and an energetic son, Phillip.
What do you think about Jesus Christ? He’s the Savior of all mankind, and the Lover of my soul.

Tell us some of the ways God has blessed you.He has blessed me with a beautiful and healthy family and a church that is alive in Christ!

Bible verses that mean a lot to you? Psalms 119:89 and 1 John 3:1-3.

How did you get started in broadcasting? My mother and father are the founders of WTJR TV and KJIR Radio.

What is your favorite Southern Gospel song or music group? I love most of the southern gospel songs, and the groups that have a heart for God(and not for fame)are my favorites.

What food do you really like? Ribeye steak on the grill with cabbage, onions, and potatoes.

What is your favorite animal? Dog.
What is your favorite movie? Oliver Twist….”I’m not afraid!”
What is your favorite TV show? Racecar races and Football.
What is your favorite book that you have read? The Bible.
What are your hobbies? Working outside in my yard and counting all my extra change to send my daughter to college.
What are your interests? Seeing the Church of the Living God being victorious in this late hour, and a lost world being saved.