Mike Wortman – Programming & DJ


Michael Wortman AKA: “Mike @ The Mic”

Where were you born? Jacksonville, IL.

Where did you grow up? Quincy, IL.

What did you want to do when you grew up?
I had many aspirations as a child, but the one that stands out and that is still dear to me would be ” Forest Ranger .” I love nature.

Are you married?
Yes, my wife’s name is Brenda, and we were married in 1993.

How did you meet your mate?
We met at a home Bible study group (Read Matt. 6:33).

Do you have any children? Yes, and they are: Kelly, Michelle, Joshua, & Hannah. I also have one granddaughter, Kyra.

What do you think about Jesus Christ?
I was headed in the wrong direction before JESUS came into my life. HE has completely transformed my life, and that work, which is continuing, began in 1989.

Tell us some ways God has blessed you. First and foremost, HE gave me a new heart. In doing so, I was delivered from drugs and alcohol, and in time my financial abilities were restored. I have a wonderful family at home, and a church family that is always there for me. The answer to everything is CHRIST in you, the HOPE of GLORY.

Bible verses that mean a lot to you? 2 Corinthians 5:17 , Lamentations 3:22 & 23 , Ephesians 2: 8 & 9 , 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 , Acts 1:8 , Revelation 3:7-12.

How did you get started in broadcasting? In 2001, my pastor Ken Geisendorfer, who is also the Vice-President of Believer’s Broadcasting, offered me a position at WTJR TV. At that point, I had been in my present job for over 18 years. I was a supervisor and had a lot of seniority, benefits, and was very comfortable where I was. When Ken offered me the job, I immediately began to fast and pray about it. GOD began to reveal to me that everything HE calls us to do will be done in faith. Abram was called to leave the land of his father to go to another land that GOD had called him to. That took faith, to leave everything and follow GOD. I knew in my heart I was to leave the familiar, the comfortable, and put my trust in GOD. I knew nothing about TV or Radio, my only qualification being, I was willing to obey. God opened a door and I walked though it. I spent the first four months going door to door with bowtie antennas telling everyone about Christian TV. I recorded stopping at 1400 homes during that period. It was a great experience. I got to meet, witness, and pray with a lot of people. From there I went on to manage the TV station, and as time progressed, I became manager over it all. Now I manage only radio, as Believer’s Broadcasting sold WTJR to CTN in June 2006. I’m still walking this thing out, ever learning and looking to JESUS for direction. One thing I’ve learned is that GOD is extremely patient, because HE has been with me.

What is your favorite southern gospel radio station?
What a lame question to ask me!

What is your favorite southern gospel song or music group?
I’m partial to four groups: The Hoppers, The Talley Trio, The Easters, and The Isaacs.

What food do you really like?
I love good soup & salad along with bread. Steak is a favorite, too!

What is your favorite animal? A faithful dog. They don’t care what you look like, or the mistakes you’ve made, and are always happy to see you. They will risk their own lives for their master.

What is your favorite movie? Meet John Doe.

What is your favorite TV show?
At this point in my life, I try to stay away from all TV. While praying, I felt The LORD say to my heart, ” If you’ve got time to watch TV, you’ve got time to read the Bible or pray .”

What is your favorite book that you have read? I only have time to read the BIBLE and books related to the study of it.

What are your hobbies? Camping and hiking are big on my list. Every chance I get, I go camping (which includes RV’ing).

What do you like to do in your spare time?
Spend it with my family.

What are your interests?
JESUS said, “Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” ( Mark 8:34 ) I’m interested in that, and it is a battle.

Any other comments:
JESUS is in the business of changing lives. If you ever meet HIM, truly meet HIM, and accept HIM as your LORD, HE will change your life! HE gave me a new heart, of which I am a witness, and HE will give you a new heart, if you want it. HE is no respecter of persons ( Acts 10:34 & 35 ). The formula for this can be found in Acts 2:37-40, and always begins with repentance.
“Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of JESUS CHRIST for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of THE HOLY GHOST.” Acts 2:38.

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